일한 외상회담(2025년 1월 13일)

현지시간 1월 13일 오후 3시 35분(일본 시간과 동일 동시각)부터 약 95분간, 한국 서울을 방문 중인 이와야 다케시 외무대신은 조태열 한국 외교부 장관과 일한 외교장관 회담을 가진 바, 개요는 아래와 같습니다.
1 모두에 이와야 대신은, 지난해 말 무안국제공항에서 발생한 여객기 사고에 대해 위로의 말을 전하고, 이번 방문에 따른 한국 측의 환영에 사의를 표했습니다.
2 양 외상은, 일한은 서로 국제사회의 다양한 과제에 파트너로서 협력해야 하는 중요한 이웃이며, 현재의 전략 환경 아래 일한 관계의 중요성은 변하지 않을 것임을 거듭 강조했습니다. 올해 일한 국교정상화 60주년의 시작에 즈음하여, 양국 간의 협력을 이끌어 나가는 것의 중요하다는 점을 확인하는 동시에, 이 기념비적인 해를 통해 양국 국민, 특히 일한 관계의 미래를 짊어지는 청년 교류를 더욱 뒷받침해 나가기로 의견이 일치했습니다. 올해, 일본에서는 ‘2025년 오사카·간사이 엑스포’가, 한국에서는 APEC이 개최될 예정이며, 이러한 대형 행사가 성공할 수 있도록 서로 협력해 나가는 것에도 의견이 일치했습니다.
3 또, 양 외상은, 대북 대응을 비롯한 지역 정세에 대해서도 의견교환을 했습니다. 북한에 대해서는 핵·미사일 활동과 북한 병사의 우크라이나 전투 참가를 포함한 러시아와의 군사 협력의 더 큰 진전에 대한 심각한 우려를 공유하고, 계속해서 일한, 일한미 간으로 긴밀히 연계할 것을 확인했습니다. 이와야 대신은 납치 문제의 즉각적인 해결을 위한 한국 정부의 일관된 지지에 재차 사의를 표했습니다.
4 나아가 양 외상은, 일한미 공조에 대해 대북 대응뿐 아니라, 특히 인도태평양과 경제안전보장의 과제에 적극적으로 대처해 나가기로 의견이 일치했습니다.
5 양 외상은, 일한 관계에 양호한 기조를 유지·발전시켜 나갈 수 있도록, 계속해서 긴밀하게 의사소통해 나갈 것을 확인했습니다.
Japan-ROK Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
On January 13, commencing at 3:35 p.m. for approximately 95 minutes, Mr. Iwaya Takeshi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan held a bilateral meeting with H.E. Cho Tae-yul, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea (ROK). The summary of the bilateral meeting is as follows.
1. At the outset, Minister Iwaya extended his sympathies on the airplane accident which occurred in Muan International Airport in the ROK at the end of last year. He also conveyed his appreciation for the ROK’s hospitality for this visit.
2. The two ministers reemphasized that Japan and the ROK are important neighbors which should work as partners on challenges in the international community, and that in light of the current strategic environment, the importance of the Japan-ROK relations remains unchanged. In marking the start of the 60th anniversary of the normalization of the Japan-ROK relations this year, they confirmed the importance of maintaining cooperation between Japan and the ROK. They also concurred to further support people-to-people exchange, especially among the youth who build the future of Japan-ROK relations, for this milestone year. Furthermore, they concurred on supporting each other on significant events which will be held in both countries this year, including the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan and APEC 2025 in the ROK.
3. The two ministers exchanged views on regional situations, such as our policies toward North Korea. Regarding North Korea, they shared serious concerns on its nuclear and missile activities, and further advancement of its military cooperation with Russia including the engagement of North Korean troops in combat against Ukraine. They reaffirmed that they would continue to work closely together between Japan and ROK, as well as among Japan, the ROK and the U.S. Minister Iwaya expressed his appreciation for the ROK’s continued support regarding the abductions issue.
4. Furthermore, regarding the cooperation among Japan, the ROK, and the U.S., the two Ministers concurred to proactively work on the issues on the Indo-Pacific and economic security, in addition to policies toward North Korea.
5. The two ministers confirmed that they will continue to communicate closely with one another to maintain and progress the positive atmosphere of Japan-ROK relations.
1. At the outset, Minister Iwaya extended his sympathies on the airplane accident which occurred in Muan International Airport in the ROK at the end of last year. He also conveyed his appreciation for the ROK’s hospitality for this visit.
2. The two ministers reemphasized that Japan and the ROK are important neighbors which should work as partners on challenges in the international community, and that in light of the current strategic environment, the importance of the Japan-ROK relations remains unchanged. In marking the start of the 60th anniversary of the normalization of the Japan-ROK relations this year, they confirmed the importance of maintaining cooperation between Japan and the ROK. They also concurred to further support people-to-people exchange, especially among the youth who build the future of Japan-ROK relations, for this milestone year. Furthermore, they concurred on supporting each other on significant events which will be held in both countries this year, including the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan and APEC 2025 in the ROK.
3. The two ministers exchanged views on regional situations, such as our policies toward North Korea. Regarding North Korea, they shared serious concerns on its nuclear and missile activities, and further advancement of its military cooperation with Russia including the engagement of North Korean troops in combat against Ukraine. They reaffirmed that they would continue to work closely together between Japan and ROK, as well as among Japan, the ROK and the U.S. Minister Iwaya expressed his appreciation for the ROK’s continued support regarding the abductions issue.
4. Furthermore, regarding the cooperation among Japan, the ROK, and the U.S., the two Ministers concurred to proactively work on the issues on the Indo-Pacific and economic security, in addition to policies toward North Korea.
5. The two ministers confirmed that they will continue to communicate closely with one another to maintain and progress the positive atmosphere of Japan-ROK relations.